What is Thermography?

A digital infra-red thermal system captures images to a specialised software program. The colours on the images indicate increases or decreases in infra-red radiation emitted from the body surface.

What can it do?

Thermography can detect breast cancer before a tumour has even formed. What's more, it is done without inflicting pain and without exposing you to dangerous radiation by way of reading thermal emissions from your body. This methodology can also detect various other vascular, muscular ailments, sport injuries and spinal problems by showing a "hot spot"  or "cold spot".



  • Exposure to radiation

  • Compression of breast

  • Only detects when there is a solid mass (6-8 Years)

  • 25% False positive

  • 85% Biopsies performed are benign cancers

  • Not suitable for dense, fybrocystic breasts

  • Medical upper outer triangle cannot be visulaized

  • Recommended from age 40 onwards



  • No radiation exposure

  • No compression

  • Detects before a tumour is formed (1st Year)

  • 10% false positive

  • 10% false negative, appear as non-aggressive

  • Suitable for all breasts

  • Medical triangle, thyroid, lymph glands visualized

  • Recommended for all ages


Medical Infra-red Thermal Imaging measures the physiological aspect of the breast, while mammography measures the anatomical aspect of the breast. Scientifically, therefore, thermography does not replace mammography. Thermography has been FDA approved as an adjunct to  mammography and physical examination. Breast thermography is the only known test for earliest cancer detection. It should be noted that neither mammography nor thermography has the ability to diagnose cancer. A diagnosis of breast cancer can only be made with a biopsy. As we know that one in eight women will get breast cancer, we must use all means possible to detect cancer at the earliest possible moment to ensure the greatest chance for survival.


But how are thermograms different from mammograms?

Mammograms look at structural changes in the breast, as they detect masses or lumps in the breast tissue. On the other hand, thermograms look at vascular changes in the breast, as they detect blood flow patterns, inflammation and asymmetries. There is no radiation involved and there is no compression.

Thermograms benefit all women. They may be particularly useful for young women who want to monitor their breast health before the recommended age of 40. Actually, your breast cancer prevention should start as early as possible.

You need to take your breast health seriously...